Are your employees really trained?

Mar 4, 2021
Written by wpengine

Do you really provide training? Or do you just talk about it and assume employees understand by their facial expressions?

It’s important to review how you train and then confirm that the training is understood and useable. Use as many ways as possible because people have different learning styles. Incorporate videos, handouts, guest speakers, and hands-on demonstrations whenever possible. This type of training allows employees to use all their senses and helps them retain information better.

Consider how you train new employees, retrain permanent employees or how you introduce a new process. Training for new employees should be tailored to their job category. Spend the time to introduce the hazards of the task, the personal protective equipment required and if chemicals are involved, the function of the Safety Data Sheet. One eye injury claim can cost more than the overtime cost in lost production.

Be transparent, allow questions from employees and train for the exception that may never happen, but could. Here are more tools to help your training programs:

RS SafetyTV


RS Safety Library (members-only access)

If you need something more specific, contact WR’s Rick Means, Director of Safety & Education, who is available to members to help draw up safety plans and suggested topics for safety meetings. Contact him at 360-200-6454 or [email protected].