From left: Rep. Jim Walsh (R-19), Rep. Joel McEntire (R-19), Sen. Jeff Wilson, (R-19), Sen. Kevin Vandewege (D-24), Rep. Mike Chapman (D-24), Rep. Steve Tharinger (D-24)
WR was invited to attend the 2024 Coastal Caucus Legislative Send-Off , hosted by the Greater Grays Harbor Chamber of Commerce. The event saw participation from both Republican and Democrat lawmakers from the 19th and 24th legislative districts who shared their goals for the 60-day session.
Rep. Jim Walsh (R, 19), chair of the state’s Republican party, highlighted public safety, tax reform, and addressing academic disparities in K-12 schools as his key focus areas. Fellow 19th District Republican, Rep. Joel McEntire, emphasized the need to repair aging school buildings, particularly in rural districts. Senator Jeff Wilson of the 19th District said this would be the “year of the initiatives”, expressing a commitment to safeguard Washingtonians’ rights to initiate ballot measures.
Sen. Kevin Van De Wege (D, 24) is concentrating on issues related to water quantity and wildfire management and Rep. Mike Chapman (D, 24) has introduced legislation that would encourage economic development in rural communities. Rep. Steve Tharinger (D, 24) will be focusing on tax incentives and public works.
All six legislators emphasized their commitment to tackling the critical issues facing their constituencies during the 2024 legislative session.