What we are tracking — WR Legislative Hot List

Jan 18, 2024
Written by WR Communications


Washington Recycling and Packaging WRAP Act HB 2049

  • Focus: Defines ‘producer’ to place manufacturers at the top of the responsibility chart and retailers at a lower position, preventing retailers from paying for packaging and recycling for every item in their inventory.
  • Status: In committee waiting for a vote. Facing opposition from many stakeholders; WR expressed concerns that the proposed program is too broad and uncertain to adopt in a short 60-day Session.

Beverage Container Recycling HB 2144

  • Features: Similar to Oregon’s long-time program; optional retailer take-back, mandatory redemption kiosks in larger stores.
  • Concerns: WR is concerned about kiosk requirement, Department of Ecology potentially biased oversight, and rural infrastructure challenges.
  • Status: In committee waiting for a vote.

Artificial Intelligence Bills SB 5838 / HB 1934

  • Progress: Senate version heard waiting for a vote; House hearing imminent.
  • WR’s Stance: More information is needed before the state begins regulating. Supports retail inclusion in a task force, seeks timeline extension; high-priority concerns. Believe a national solution would be preferrable.

Fast Fashion Bills SB 5965 / HB 2068

  • Objective: Regulate fashion industry for supply chain transparency.
  • Opposition: WR strongly against, citing overreach and problematic global supplier obligations. Better served to debate at the federal level.
  • Status: Both bills heard, awaiting votes.

Personnel Records Bill SB 5924

  • Issue: Broad personnel records’ definition, inclusion of Private Right of Action (PRA).
  • WR’s Action: Testified against, collaborating to address concerns.
  • Status: Waiting for a vote.

Retail Career Grant Program SB 5958

  • Objective: Promote micro-credentialing opportunities in retail through college grants.
  • WR’s Position: Strong support, aligns with workforce initiative.
  • Status: Hearing held, awaiting a vote.

Gift Certificates as Unclaimed Property HB 2095 / SB 5988

  • Objective: Unused gift card balances remitted to State after three years.
  • Concerns: Privacy issues, operational challenges; WR actively opposing.
  • Status: Hearings held – awaiting votes.

Consumer Protection on Gift Certificates HB 2094 / SB 5987

  • Proposed: Increase ‘cash-back’ limit, assign cash value to loyalty rewards, payment flexibility.
  • WR’s Action: Actively engaged, sharing concerns in coalition.
  • Status: Hearings held – awaiting votes.


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