We’re launching roundtables with Seattle retailers to address safety with one voice

Feb 5, 2020
Written by wpengine

While safety has been an on-going concern and threat to Seattle retailers’ customers and employees, Washington Retail hopes that the tragic deadly downtown shooting in January will serve to unify concerned citizens to work together.

As a first step to channel retailers’ voices, Washington Retail is launching informal, small retailer roundtables in the Seattle area for employers and business representatives to talk about safety and other issues on their minds.

Seattle businesses face a host of challenges related to homelessness and crime. In addition, several new city regulations have added to the cost and complexity of doing business in Seattle. Unifying small retailers as one voice will amplify their influence in taking actions with other concerned citizens.

If you are interested in attending a meeting or have suggestions on where to gather, please contact Rose Gundersen at 360-200-6452 ([email protected]) or John Engber, Director of the Retail Industry Coalition of Seattle, at 206-850-5517 ([email protected]).