Preparing for the holiday season

Nov 12, 2020
Written by Johnathan Kirby

While driving recently, I turned on the radio to hear Christmas music! It seemed early for that, but maybe not, which means the year is going much faster than I want it to.

We are all anxious to make this unusual year better and get back to our pre-COVID routines. Remember that as you begin the holiday season, review your COVID protocols with all your staff, especially new/seasonal hires. Make sure they understand COVID and how to protect themselves as well as your patrons from spreading this virus. Employees who feel safe will reflect that towards customers.

It is also a good time to take inventory of cleaning supplies and other PPE, making sure you have enough on hand during this busy season. See WR’s Safety Operational Plan for ideas.

After you have your employees refreshed on COVID safety guidelines and your PPE supplies replenished, it is time to time to review your signage. Updating your marketing, digital and printed collateral will show your customers you are actively working to provide a safe environment for them to shop.

I am available to help you plan your safety meeting topics or draw up a personalized safely plan for your business. Contact me at 360-200-6454 or at [email protected].