Plastic producer registration and reports due April 1

Mar 21, 2024
Written by WR Communications

The Washington State recycled content regulations mandate that producers of covered products must register and report annually by April 1st using the Waste Reduction Portal.

As of January 2024, producers of plastic trash bags and beverages must submit annual reports detailing the quantity of Post-consumer Recycled Content (PCRC) used in their products to demonstrate compliance with minimum requirements. Failure to submit registration and reports by the deadline will result in penalties.

Producers can self-identify as “De minimis producers” but are encouraged to provide responses to resin and revenue questions to ensure visibility on the public Plastic Producer List.

Accessing registration requires creating a Secure Access Washington (SAW) account.

If the producer’s account already exists, users may request access to that account by selecting “find an existing producer.”

Questions can be directed to [email protected] or by phone at 360-742-9874.


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