Closed captioning law goes into effect November 17 of this year

Aug 30, 2019
Written by wpengine

Businesses able to activate closed captioning on televisions in public places in Seattle will be required to do so as a result of a new law starting on November 17 of this year. This is as a result of Council Bill 119487 that the council approved last April.

Washington Retail’s Director of the Retail Industry Coalition of Seattle, John Engber, is involved in the city’s rulemaking process to determine how this law will be enforced. It pertains to business owners or managers who have working televisions in settings such as restaurants, bars, hotel lobbies, stadiums, sports arenas and retail establishments.

Civil penalties for violations can range from $125 to $300.

The Seattle Office of Civil Rights is overseeing the rulemaking and is seeking input from affected retailers. If you would like to be notified of public input events in the process, contact Policy Manager Caedmon Magboo Cahill via [email protected].

For showrooms with lots of television, the rulemaking could determine whether each model must be showing closed caption or a lower percentage of screens.

Those with questions or concerns about this ordinance should please contact Engber at 206-850-5517 or [email protected].