Most consumers dump a brand after one bad experience

Jun 22, 2023
Written by WR Communications


According to TCN Inc.’s third annual “Consumer Insights about Customer Service” survey conducted by OnePoll, 73% of consumers are inclined to switch brands following a negative brand experience. This represents a notable increase compared to 2022 when 66% expressed the same intention, and it nearly doubles the figure of 42% from 2021.

The survey’s findings reveal that, for the third consecutive year, the primary preference of consumers when communicating with a company’s customer service department is speaking with a live agent.

Regarding online behavior, approximately 44% of respondents admitted to posting an online review about a poor customer service experience. Among this group, 75% of Generation Z individuals (aged 18-26) shared their negative experiences through online reviews, while only 24% of Baby Boomers (aged 59-77) did the same. Moreover, over half of Millennials (aged 27-42) and Generation X (aged 43-58) also expressed their dissatisfaction by posting about negative experiences.

TCN emphasized the significance of providing excellent customer service within contact centers in maintaining brand loyalty and generating referrals, noting that a single customer interaction can determine the success or failure of a brand relationship. While technology plays a crucial role in supporting understaffed workforces, the human touch remains irreplaceable, as demonstrated by the consistent preference for speaking with live agents over the years.

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