WR team tours amazon fulfillment center

Oct 20, 2022
Written by WR Communications

WR Senior Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs Mark Johnson and Vice President of Operations Rose Gundersen toured the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Kent last week. The tour highlighted part of the Washington Council on International Trade (WCIT) education plan on supply chains and retail distribution.

“The 850,000 square foot facility was impressive,” said Johnson. “Their extensive use of robotics and computerization worked to make the flow of products efficient and fast.” The WR team learned of the safety measures deployed to keep employees from injury and about the free training and education Amazon offers to help further workers’ careers in retail and other fields.

The center was a beehive of activity fulfilling customers’ orders from around the region and country, with many processed on the same day. This tour gave evidence of Washington state’s supply chains returning to pre-pandemic norms as manufacturers and suppliers continue to deliver goods.

The tour guide explained how Amazon continually upgraded and improved processes to remain agile and competitive through technology and employee-helping practices.

The WR team left with an appreciation for Amazon’s considerable undertaking to provide products to customers in a cost-effective and meaningful manner that is purchaser-centric.


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