WR’s policy priorities and positions are driven by its members. The Policy and Government Affairs Committee (PGAC) provides strategic direction to the WR team. To ensure that members can provide input and analysis,

  • The PGAC meets weekly during legislative sessions to review bills and set direction.
  • The PGAC meets monthly, or as needed, during the interim to review issues and set priorities for rule-making and preparation for the upcoming session.
  • When needed, subcommittees of the PGAC are formed on issues to provide the WR team with deeper analysis and feedback. Examples include data privacy, warehouse regulations, Bellingham initiatives, and pharmacy.

If necessary, policy positions adopted by the PGAC can be reviewed by WR’s Board of Directors.

Download our 2023 Top Legislative Priorities document here.

WR is committed and engaged in elections to ensure pro-retail candidates are supported and elected at every level of government. To support that goal, we have established two political action committees which are governed by WR members and staffed by the Sr. VP of Policy and Government Affairs. PAC funds are donated by members with their dues renewal and through direct solicitation.

  • Retail Action Council – State & Federal – This PAC reviews candidates for races in all districts. Our process includes scoring incumbents based on their voting record on top retail issues and surveying all non-incumbent challengers and open seat candidates. Once surveys are returned and scored, a district and candidate analysis are conducted to gauge viability of the candidate and their campaign. As general practice the RAC PAC also attends and donates to all of the four caucus fundraisers to review and meet as many candidates as possible.
  • Local Government – City & County – This PAC is involved with a variety of local races and issues, such as the Seattle City Council and Mayor races – with consultation from our RICS Director. Procedures and selections are similar to the RAC PAC. Funding is also derived from members and direct solicitations. A governing board of WR members control this PAC.