WR releases 2024 Legislative Report Card  

May 23, 2024
Written by WR Communications

WR recently released the 2024 Legislative Session Report Card to members, which tracks and evaluates lawmakers’ votes on key issues affecting retailers. The report card assesses how lawmakers voted on critical issues related to public safety, the environment, and employment law during the 2024 session. 

How Scoring is Determined 

Each piece of legislation is assigned a point value based on its significance to the retail industry. Lawmakers earn points based on how they vote on these high-priority bills. The more critical the legislation, the higher the points allocated. This scoring system ensures that legislators who consistently advocate for retail interests receive the recognition they deserve. 

Celebrating Top Retail Advocates 

Out of 147 legislators, WR is proud to recognize the 36 representatives and 16 senators who achieved a perfect score of 100% during the 2024 Legislative Session. WR extends its deepest gratitude to the following 52 lawmakers for their dedication and strong advocacy. Their efforts help protect the industry and create a more favorable environment for retailers to thrive.  

View the 2024 Legislative Session Report Card


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