WR joins national effort on workers’ compensation reporting requirements

Oct 28, 2021
Written by Mark Johnson, Senior Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs

Last week WR joined with the UWC – Strategic Services on Unemployment and Workers’ Compensation, and nearly 100 federal and state associations, trade groups, and chambers of commerce to send a letter to key Congressional Members including Washington State Senator Patty Murray, opposing the enactment of language that would add a responsibility to the federal Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs to monitor state workers’ compensation programs.

This provision is a significant policy change for the federal Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs. The cost incurred by employers and workers’ compensation plans as a result of the policy change has not been projected by the Congressional Budget Office. The amount of funding for new responsibilities is not specified, and the new monitoring responsibility would increase the federal deficit in years after the ten-year budget period. Use this link to read the entire letter and list of co-signers.

WR values our partnership with UWC as we engage in workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance issues of national and state importance on behalf of our members.