WR discusses public safety with Pullman leadership

Nov 16, 2023
Written by WR Communications


Last week, WR met with the Pullman Chamber of Commerce, led by Marie Dymkoski, and the Pullman Police Department to discuss issues surrounding public safety, retail theft, and organized retail crime in their community.

Although Pullman may be less impacted than more urban cities, they, too, grapple with challenges relating to these critical issues. WR applauds the proactive efforts of both the chamber and police department as they have worked with retailers and other businesses to establish protocols to protect their stores and employees from being victims of retail theft and ORC.

WR shared version seven of the Guide to Navigating Public Safety and Retail Crime with the chamber and police department, who intend to promote and distribute the guide as a community resource. The guide is available free of charge on WR website’s public safety resource page. This valuable tool is updated regularly and is in the process of being translated into several other languages.

Recent developments with the AG Statewide ORC Unit, which is expected to be fully staffed by the end of the year were discussed with attendees. Additionally, Pullman leadership at the chamber and police department have agreed to join efforts to advocate for legislative changes that will increase their effectiveness.

The association values its partnership with the Pullman Chamber and Pullman Police Department and looks forward to continued collaboration with jurisdictions across the state.


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