Why Congress must pass CORCA to combat organized retail crime

May 2, 2024
Written by WR Communications

Congress faces increasing calls to pass the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act (CORCA) as the retail industry grapples with escalating threats. The National Retail Federation (NRF) spearheads efforts to advocate for this crucial legislation, emphasizing three urgent reasons for its passage.

Firstly, organized retail crime poses not only economic repercussions but also threatens the safety of store employees and customers. NRF’s 2023 National Retail Security Survey reveals a disturbing rise in violence and aggression from perpetrators. Additionally, these criminal networks intertwine with activities like human trafficking and drug smuggling, underscoring the necessity for federal intervention.

Secondly, CORCA proposes the establishment of an Organized Retail Crime Coordination Center, facilitating collaboration between federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies alongside retail industry stakeholders. This coordinated approach aims to enhance law enforcement’s effectiveness in tackling retail crime by pooling resources and expertise.

Lastly, CORCA enjoys widespread support from both the retail community and Congress, boasting over 130 bipartisan co-sponsors. Such bipartisan consensus in a divisive political landscape highlights CORCA’s potential to garner broad agreement and drive meaningful legislative progress.

With momentum building and the stakes high, NRF urges stakeholders to rally behind CORCA’s passage, emphasizing its critical role in safeguarding the retail industry and communities nationwide.


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