Stay informed of top safety violations

Aug 26, 2021
Written by wpengine

Being informed on and knowing how to strengthen your workplace safety program can help prevent costly injuries and illnesses to your employees. In addition, it can save your business the cost of potential citation fines.

Labor and Industries announces the ten most common citations they give out during their annual inspections. The following is their list of offenses for the most recent fiscal year, which includes all industries, except for construction and agriculture. After reading through these common safety issues, you might be able to determine if your company needs to make adjustments for the safety of your employees and your workplace in general.

The top ten list includes:

  1. GHS/Haz Chemicals – lack of a program in place, employee training
  2. Accident Prevention Program – lack of or not current to business operations
  3. Safety Meetings – lack of meeting or proper documentation
  4. PPE – employee not wearing, employer not providing
  5. First Aid – lack of active cards holder on site, kit depleted of items
  6. Basic Electrical rules – panel blocked, unused punchouts not re-covered
  7. Portable fire extinguishers – lack of training
  8. Exit route – lack of map showing routes to exit in an emergency
  9. Respirators: Medical Evaluations – lack of paperwork
  10. Asbestos – exposed/not contained

 The links above are provided for each type of rule violation for details of how to make potential corrections. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Rick Means, Director of Safety and Education, is available to help members draw up safety plans and suggest topics for safety meetings. Contact Rick at 360-943-9198, Ext. 118 or [email protected].