Seattle City Council raises penalties for illegal street racing

Aug 1, 2024
Written by WR Communications

The Seattle City Council, led by Councilmember Bob Kettle, chair of the Public Safety Committee, and Councilmember Tanya Woo, passed new legislation targeting illegal street racing. Councilmembers Kettle and Woo worked closely with City Attorney Ann Davison in developing the legislation. 

Spurred by violence at illegal street races, the Council reclassified the offense as a reckless driving gross misdemeanor. It also increased fines for illegal street racing: 

  • $500 for a first infraction; 
  • $800 for a second infraction; and 
  • $1,500 for third and subsequent infractions. 

Additionally, individuals who attend and support illegal street races can be fined $100 if they fail to leave when instructed by the police. 


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