Washington Retail’s new website presents me with an opportunity to remind visitors of the reasons to consider becoming a member.
Our members across the state recognize the value of combining their resources and ideas to accomplish legislative outcomes that no single business could accomplish alone.
WR membership offers:
Legislative representation
- We provide a constant and vigilant eye on legislative activity to fight against excessive taxes and onerous laws and regulations that add costs and reduce business efficiency.
Regulatory representation
- WR monitors state boards and commission meetings on issues that impact your operations. We periodically issue update reports on the status of new regulations and offer testimony.
- We provide weekly legislative conference calls during annual legislative sessions and issue detailed reports after session on the outcome of all bills that could affect retailers.
Strength in numbers
- We represent companies that operate more than 3,500 storefronts in every legislative district across the state. The larger we become, the more influence we can exert to create a pro-business climate in Olympia to help your business succeed.
Our new website launched last week. Please take a visit for all the information you need to express your interest in joining WR. To request membership, go to washingtonretail.org/membership/