President Biden takes sweeping action on AI governance

Nov 9, 2023
Written by WR Communications


President Joe Biden has signed an executive order addressing the need for robust regulations on artificial intelligence (AI). He emphasizes the importance of governing this technology to realize its promise while minimizing associated risks.

The following is a high-level overview of the executive order and next steps from the administration:

Security and privacy standards

The executive order establishes standards for security and privacy protections in AI development, and developers must safety-test new models and submit results to the government before public release.

Combatting deepfakes:

The Commerce Department will develop standards for watermarking AI-generated content, such as deepfakes, to distinguish between real and manipulated audio or images.

Government oversight:

The order leverages the government’s position as a top customer for tech companies to vet technology with national security risks. Federal agencies, including the Departments of Energy, Defense, and Homeland Security, will ensure AI systems do not pose chemical, biological, or nuclear risks.

Congressional action:

President Biden plans to discuss AI and legislation with Congress to develop a bipartisan approach that addresses privacy and other concerns associated with AI. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer advocates for significant investment in AI research and development, aiming to have legislation ready in the coming months.

Global cooperation:

Vice President Kamala Harris and industry leaders will present the U.S. plan for AI governance at a UK-hosted summit with an emphasis on global collaboration to apply existing international rules and norms for promoting global order and stability.

Algorithmic bias and justice:

Biden calls for guidance safeguarding Americans from algorithmic bias in various areas, including housing and government benefit programs. The Justice Department will establish best practices for investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations related to AI, addressing concerns in the criminal justice system.

Immigration and talent:

Immigration officials are urged to reduce visa requirements for overseas talent seeking employment at American AI companies.

President Biden’s executive order marks a significant step toward the United States’ efforts to develop an AI governance framework. The move aligns with global efforts, emphasizing collaboration with allies to promote order and stability in the rapidly advancing AI landscape.

Read the entire executive order.


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