Plastic Packaging Stakeholder Advisory Committee wraps up

Dec 16, 2021
Written by wpengine

The Plastics Packaging Stakeholder Advisory Committee wrapped up its business and submitted its final report to the Department of Ecology and the Legislature per Senate Bill 5022, which the Legislature passed during the 2021 session. These links will provide the entire report and the report summary.

Mark Johnson, Sr. VP of Policy & Government Affairs was asked to serve on the committee, which began its work in August. The committee’s purpose was to develop recommendations for post-consumer recycled content requirements for types of plastic packaging present in the municipal solid waste stream and not currently covered by the law. A neutral third-party facilitator led the 34 committee members. Unfortunately, the committee was a bit rushed with an abbreviated timeline.

Retailers’ main concerns are the availability of materials to meet future requirements and goals. We support efforts to reduce packaging and impacts on the environment, but at the same time, want to ensure consumers have access to the products they need.

Further legislation dealing with plastics will be introduced shortly for the 2022 Legislative Session by Senator Mona Das. WR and its members are reviewing the draft and will be offering comments. If you would like a copy of the draft bill, please let me know, or contact Senator Das directly:  [email protected]

Together we hope to reduce packaging to protect the environment while still maintaining a high level of service to our customers with the products and goods they require.