Paper and packaging bill draft released

Dec 7, 2023
Written by WR Communications


WR received an updated draft of the paper and packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR) bill, which will likely be considered during the 2024 Legislative Session.

Also referred to as the WRAP Act – Washington Recycling and Packaging Act – the draft makes several changes from previous versions. Most notably, the large section on a beverage container recycling program has been removed – and may surface as a stand-alone bill.

Rep. Liz Berry (D-36) is leading the effort to adopt legislation similar to several other states, Oregon, California, Colorado, and Maine, that will address the issue of who should be responsible for proper recycling and disposal of packaging.

WR has formed a work group to review and offer solutions to the proposed legislation, most recently on the definition of producer.

Members of WR will continue to work with Rep. Berry to craft legislation that will help clarify the bill language and make it more implementable by retailers and other stakeholders. More updates to follow. If you would like to join the WR member work group – please contact Mark Johnson, WR Sr. VP of Policy & Government Affairs.


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