Inslee’s budget strategy would target fentanyl crisis

Dec 7, 2023
Written by WR Communications


Governor Jay Inslee’s new budget strategy for Washington State, targeting the fentanyl crisis, may have a direct impact on public safety. With over $50 million in new funding for the 2023-25 biennium, the strategy addresses the escalating opioid epidemic, which has notably impacted tribal communities with a death rate quadruple the state average.

A key focus of the strategy is enhancing treatment and recovery services. The budget supports substance use disorder (SUD) treatment facilities, rental subsidies for SUD patients, and criminal diversion programs. This aligns with evidence showing that long-term drug treatment significantly aids in achieving lasting abstinence.

Education and awareness are critical components. Campaigns like “Friends for Life” and “It Starts with One” educate youth on the dangers of opioids and promote naloxone, an overdose reversal drug. School-based initiatives will further disseminate information about opioid risks and available services.

The introduction of community health hubs will provide comprehensive, accessible services, including SUD treatment and overdose education, addressing the multifaceted nature of addiction.

Improving treatment access, especially in rural and tribal areas, is prioritized. The proposed budget supports expanding Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) and initiating Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) treatments in correctional facilities.

Harm reduction is another pillar, with the widespread availability of naloxone and the deployment of “Smart Health Machines” containing health supplies crucial for preventing overdoses.

Additionally, the strategy bolsters recovery services and disrupts drug distribution networks. Investments in Oxford Houses and support for behavioral health providers will strengthen recovery networks, while law enforcement efforts aim to dismantle drug rings, reducing the availability of fentanyl.

The comprehensive approach, encompassing education, treatment, harm reduction, and law enforcement, could be a positive step in tackling the fentanyl crisis and improving public safety.


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