Combating Organized Retail Crime Act gains momentum in Congress

Jun 29, 2023
Written by WR Communications


Organized retail crime (ORC) persists as an escalating challenge within the U.S. retail sector, and recent data suggests its scale and complexity are on the rise, as disclosed in a new report titled “Organized Retail Crime: An Assessment of a Persistent and Growing Threat.”

The legislative effort to counter the ORC threat is gaining traction in the U.S. Congress with the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act (S. 140 in the Senate and H.R. 859 in the House.) The House bill has garnered 42 cosponsors, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, while its Senate version has drawn the support of three cosponsors—two Democrats and one Republican.

This wave of support follows the recent House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime ORC hearing. WR urges Congress members to throw their support behind this legislation.

To ensure this bill’s success, advocates of the retail sector must communicate with their respective congressional representatives and urge their endorsement of this bipartisan legislation. This unified initiative is paramount to curbing the growing issue of retail crime.


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