Be prepared — schedule a ShakeOut earthquake drill

Sep 29, 2022
Written by WR Communications

We live in an area susceptible to earthquakes! Practice “drop, cover, and hold” on October 20 by participating in an earthquake drill simulation to test your readiness.

Scheduling a Shake Out should be an essential part of your safety system.

Analysis of disasters shows preparation can increase the odds of surviving an earthquake. Steps to take:

  • Review and update your emergency preparedness plans and supplies
  • Include employees who work remotely in the simulation drill and ensure preparedness for earthquakes with proper supplies
  • Register your company for the drill to show your commitment to safety
  • Use this guide to prepare for this earthquake drill
  • Review recent seismic activities in the Northwest
  • Additional emergency resources from Washington State’s Emergency Management Division
  • Find additional preparedness links at: RS Safety TV or RS Safety Library

Washington Retail will take part in the event this year and urges members to register and participate. We also would love to hear from you about your experience.

Rick Means, Director of Safety and Education, is available to help members with safety. Contact Rick at 360-943-9198, Ext. 118 or [email protected].