Amazon’s Prime Day hits record sales, topping $14 billion

Aug 1, 2024
Written by WR Communications

Amazon announced its most successful Prime Day event ever, with Prime members purchasing more items than in any previous year. The Seattle-based e-commerce giant reported that millions of new customers joined Prime in the weeks leading up to the event to take advantage of the deals.

Doug Herrington, who leads Amazon’s Prime and online shopping business, attributed the success to the global participation of Prime members seeking fantastic deals.

Adobe Analytics reported a record $14.2 billion spent online during the two-day event, marking an 11% increase from last year. This surge was driven by back-to-school shopping and higher spending on electronics and home appliances. Despite inflation concerns, Adobe noted that the increased spending was due to new demand rather than higher prices, as online prices have been declining for 22 months, with a 4.2% year-over-year decrease in June.


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