Supporting Pro-Retail Candidates

WR is committed to supporting pro-retail candidates in elections at all government levels. To achieve this goal, WR has established two political action committees (PACs). These PACs are funded by member donations and direct solicitations.

The Retail Action Council – State & Federal PAC reviews candidates in all districts, scoring incumbents based on their voting records on key retail issues and accessibility to WR stakeholders. Non-incumbent challengers and candidates for open seats are sent questionnaires and interviewed to assess alignment with WR’s top priorities. Returned surveys are scored, and a comprehensive district and candidate analysis is conducted to determine each candidate’s viability. Additionally, the RAC PAC participates in all four caucus fundraisers to engage with as many candidates as possible.

The Local Government – City & County PAC focuses on local races and issues, such as the Seattle City Council and Mayor races. The selection process mirrors that of the RAC PAC, with funding sourced from member contributions and direct solicitations.

View Retail Action Council Endorsements