WR is the state’s only association exclusively dedicated to advocating the unique interests of retailers on legislative and regulatory issues. Its reach includes federal, state, and local governments, especially Seattle, which increasingly has been setting legal trends for the rest of the state.
Why sign up? The retail industry is a cornerstone of our economy and community. Yet, it often faces challenges that can be addressed through effective legislative policies. By signing up, you’ll have opportunities to take a stand to support positive change that can benefit retailers, consumers, and the community at large.
Our mission: We are dedicated to advocating for policies that support the growth and sustainability of Washington State’s retail sector.
How you can help: Your voice matters! By subscribing to our list, you’ll periodically receive updates from Washington Retail, guiding you on reaching out to your local, state, and federal representatives regarding specific legislation impacting businesses and the retail sector.
Use this link to be a part of our urgent action list.
If you would like to stay informed about the latest legislative updates and how they impact the retail industry, sign up for our weekly newsletter, Inside Washington Retail.
Privacy matters Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We promise to keep your information confidential and will never share it with third parties without your consent.
WR is a non-profit trade group that provides political strength to bring about change. Partner with an association that understands not only your industry, but your unique individual business requirements in Washington State.
Membership Requirements »The Group Retrospective Rating Program (RETRO) is a safety incentive program. The program was developed to encourage safety in the workplace and drive down the costs of doing business in Washington State.
Learn More About Retro »Sign up for the Inside Washington Retail newsletter for retail news & updates: