Celebrate Small Business Week with 10-free resources

May 5, 2022
Written by WR Communications

May 2-5 is Small Business Week, where the country celebrates small businesses’ contributions to our national economy.

According to the SBA’s 2019 data, small businesses constitute 44% of economic activity. SBA’s 2021 Small Business FAQ reported that small businesses with 500 or fewer employees make up 99.9% of businesses in the US and have created 62% of new jobs between 1995 and 2020.

Besides economic and job contributions, entrepreneurs whose vision, optimism, perseverance, and a bit of luck have delivered a diversity of products and services to fill the ever-changing consumers’ needs and demands.

Entrepreneurs often struggle with over-extending themselves because they are often short-handed and short-funded. To celebrate their contributions, the US Chamber of Commerce published “10 Free Resources for Small Businesses to Leverage Year-Round” to help keep their momentum going.

Don’t miss out. These resources help with business coaching, networking, marketing, and communication.