Safety tip of the week

Apr 18, 2019
Written by wpengine

On personal preparedness

A family disaster recovery plan is as important as a business recovery plan if something like an earthquake or flood forced you to close your business.

A family plan, in short, will help you to focus on getting the business open again once you know things are under control on the home front.

A family plan is similar to a business recovery plan. It should include:

  • In other words, how can you protect your home and make it safer in the event of a natural disaster?
  • How will you communicate with loved ones? Do you have an outside-the-area contact to notify about the well being of family members following a disaster?
  • What supplies for the home do you need and where will you store them? This would include water and foodstuffs, flashlights, wind-up radios, etc.

Remember, too, the special needs of family members including seniors, infants and children, and pets.

RS SafetyTV has some great videos on how to prepare. Our Retro members can access more information in the Safety Library in the Emergency Preparedness section. Please take some time to review your current plan and update it as needed.

Remember that failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

WR employs Rick Means as a Safety Specialist who is available to members to help draw up safety plans and suggest topics for safety meetings. Contact him at 360-943.9198 x18, or [email protected].