Washington’s foray into regulating autonomous tools

Nov 30, 2023
Written by WR Communications


With the embrace of artificial intelligence as well as questions and concerns around it, many states, including Washington, are set to introduce related bills for the 2024 legislative session.

Representative Clyde Shavers (D, 10th LD) is considering a bill on autonomous decision-making tools. The bill’s overall goal would be to require the development of assessments and protocols of these tools for use in business and other industries if they are used to make consequential decisions.

Autonomous decision-making tools are created from advanced algorithms that analyze vast amounts of data to make informed choices without human intervention.

The roots of autonomous decision-making can be traced back to the early 2000s, with the introduction of machine learning algorithms. Since then, it has become a critical tool in various industries.

A.I chatbots help streamline interactions in customer service, providing quick resolutions and freeing up customer service agents to focus on more complex queries. Retail businesses utilize demand forecasting systems to predict product demand throughout the year and optimize inventory levels. Automated content moderation identifies and filters inappropriate content across social media platforms. Regarding employee management, automated resume screening programs and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) manage a potential employee’s recruitment process, from job posting to resume submission to interview.

These examples are just a few of the many ways automated decision-making tools have become integral to customer service, employment, and business operations.

In preparation for A.I. bills that may be introduced in this coming legislative session, WR developed an A.I. Workgroup and held several meetings with members, including a meeting with Rep. Shavers, to learn more about the intent behind the autonomous decision-making tools bill. WR will continue to monitor this and other A.I. legislation closely.

If you would like to join the WR A.I. Workgroup, please email Crystal Leatherman at [email protected] to be added to the distribution list.


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