Ambient Heat Exposure permanent rulemaking hearings scheduled

Apr 20, 2023
Written by WR Communications

Icon of a person slumped over below the sun's rays


Labor and Industries (L&I) is in the process of creating permanent heat exposure rules rather than issuing emergency heat rules as they have the past two years. Currently, they are actively in the CR-102 rulemaking process. The goal is to update the Outdoor Heat Exposure rules before the summer heat arrives.

WR is pleased that L&I incorporated our suggestion to exempt intermittent exposure to heat, which is defined as less than 15 minutes per hour. Our concerns remain in the proposed permanent rules because L&I is suggesting lowering the high outdoor action level temperature from 89º to 80º F. Additionally, they are incorporating new and imprecise terminology that necessitates employers to observe an “acclimatization” expectation for their employees.

A rulemaking fact sheet and additional information and resources can be found on the Rulemaking Activity Page.

To be a part of the process, consider participating in one of the in-person hearings:

A virtual hearing will also be held on May 4.

Submit written comments to:

Carmyn Shute, Administrative Regulations Analyst

Department of Labor & Industries

Division of Occupational Safety and Health

PO Box 44620

Olympia WA 98504-4620

Carmyn can also be reached by email at [email protected]. Please contact WR with your questions regarding this topic or the rulemaking process at [email protected].


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